Dec 17, 2007
Dec 5, 2007
Thoughts on the Golden Compass
I am quite curious over the buzz yet another movie is stirring up among Christians. The Golden Compass is built on a troubling premise, written by a troubling author, agreed. However, I want to be on the side of engaging discussion and offering truth, not blacklisting and boycotting. This thoughtful and thorough review offers much food for thought. I am considering seeing this movie to weigh for myself the ideas being propagated.
What are you thinking or saying about this movie? Anything?
Dec 4, 2007
I can't help see a sunset without thinking of a friend from my past. Last night as I watched the breathtaking sky on my drive home I thought of her again.
She and her family considered moving to my beautiful state, and were all prepared to do so, save one thing. She had the idea that you couldn't see sunsets in Colorado. I don't know where this idea came from. I believe the most gorgeous sunsets are in Colorado! The sky is bigger here and add the mountains into the mix, what's not to like?
As I was contemplating this last night, it struck me that this is how many people live their lives. They have seen some beautiful sunsets, and they are afraid if they embrace change they will lose the security of what they already know. I think we all have things that we believe were better when. We have no idea if that is the truth, but it's all we have. When we do finally let go and move into something new, we may be amazed that the new thing far outshines the old.
I have this running dialog with myself, that I need to "get back to" the prayer times I used to have with the Lord. They were intense, meaningful, and so intimate. Yet, since I became a working person, that just isn't doable--at this time in my life. Still I find myself looking back to what was...instead of allowing--and asking--God to do a new thing.
So, like my friend who wanted to keep her sunsets, I cling to the familiar as though it is a standard. It's not, it's just what I know. I want the new thing, I want bigger sunsets, I want what God wants to do now, not yesterday.