Jan 26, 2008

Living life fully alive...

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (Howard Thurman).

This is a great quote to meditate on...I for one don't want to live life going through the motions! I want to be fully alive and engaged. I want my life to matter to more than just my family and for more than just one generation.

Whether I pass on my legacy through homeschooling or sowing into others every day that I'm here, I pray that my life inspires others for many years...into eternity.

Does that sound arrogant? I hope not. I think we all want to leave an impression, don't we? That can only happen when we refuse to live routine lives and insist on living inspired, spirit-led lives that make a difference.  Jesus promised a life that is fulfilling and impactful...that's what I want.

"I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."  (John 10:10)

Jan 19, 2008

2008 Movies

Wow, some great family movies coming out in 2008...I think Inkheart and Prince Caspian top my movies I want to see list!

Click here for 15 Movies to See in 2008

Jan 16, 2008

Something Only God Can Do

"The world doesn't need to see what we can do for God; the world needs to see something only God can do."    Donna Partow

I want my life to be something only God can do!  I've done some many things "for" God...I want to see God do something through me.  This means it will be something beyond my ability to manufacture or manipulate on my own. 

How often do I allow myself to be so stretched and out-of-control that God works entirely in spite of me?  What am I believing Him for that if He doesn't do it, it won't happen? I guess that's the kind of faith I want to have this year...

Tips for a Great Year

"The Lord has done great things for us! We are glad!"  (Psalms 126:3)

Seek God more than ever
Practice Galatians 5
Keep it SIMPLE
Don't major on the minors
Let God be God
Exercise & eat right
Conquer the details
Seek wisdom
Pursue peace
Have fun
Love each other
Lighten up
Laugh more
Begin each day with prayer
End each day with prayer
Be flexible
Be forgiving
Have your own interests
Teach your children your passions
Read "for fun"
Set realistic goals
Keep a journal
Take pictures
'Be silly once in a while
Refuse to compare yourself to other moms
Choose a theme scripture for the year
Live with the end in mind
Don't despise small beginnings
Don't try to do it all.

Jan 13, 2008

The secret to their success

"Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character is in their own hands."  Anne Frank

This quote sums up what I truly believe about parenting and homeschooling.  Homeschooling is about giving our kids the best opportunity to succeed, but the ultimate responsibility for that success will be on their shoulders.

I would add of course, that parents can do more than give good advice, we can pray for God's will in their lives and speak the Word over them--which does influence the outcome! But, even with our spiritual influence, they will choose their paths and be accountable to God for those choices.

Jan 12, 2008

A Great investment

When you boil it all down, everything we sow into our kids lives is sown through an investment of our time.

Homeschooling takes time, no question about it. This statement is a good reminder of how valuable our time is—when we are sowing it into our kids and into their futures. What greater goal could a parent have than to invest in their child’s future? But, we are talking about more than money here…something far more valuable. Your time.

Remember this the next time you begin to resent your kid’s demands, and the demands of homeschooling. Remember that you are investing into a priceless commodity! One that will have eternal rewards, both for them and for you!

Jan 10, 2008

Creativity is a terrible thing to waste!

I thought this was a great quote and study...albeit a sad one.  Please let your kids play today...creativity is a terrible thing to waste.

"Early on in life, creativity is natural and even encouraged as we develop.  In our childhood years, our lives are filled with creative thought and potential.  Studies reveal that children in the on-to-six age group score in the ninetieth percentile of creative ability. Those same studies show that once these children hit aga seven, they experience "creative cramping" that drastically lowers their creativity score.* What happens to children between the ages of six and seven? One word: school."

Ed Young, from the Creative leader
*Marlene LeFever, Creative Teaching Methods: Be an Effective Teacher, Cook Communications

I was trying to think of some of the most imaginative playtimes my boys had, for example:

  • Building a cockpit out of cardboard in the workroom which lasted many months

  • Alphabetizing the books on the bookshelf while playing library

  • Eating lunch on top of the swingset pretending to be high-rise construction workers

  • Building a fort that filled an entire room with three sleeping quarters and a campfire (lincoln logs and night lights)

I'm sure there were hundreds more. Looking back, I am so grateful that they had plenty of time to just be boys and let their imaginations run wild! I'm even more grateful that I got to be there to see every minute...