Nov 21, 2007

Thoughts for Thanksgiving

from the Homeschool Encourager

"Don't always be asking, Where are the good old days? Wise folks don't ask questions like that. On a good day, enjoy yourself; On a bad day, examine your conscience. God arranges for both kinds of days So that we won't take anything for granted. "
Ecclesiastes 7:10,14

One thing I've learned as a parent and a homeschooling mother, is that regret is inevitable. I'm sorry to start with such a melancholy thought. But it is true. I used to think that regret meant I did something wrong...or that if I was spiritual enough I would never make mistakes that carried the sting of regret. I have learned, its just not true. Life carries with it a risk and reward system. (My kids grew up hearing this from their father.) You must weigh every decision against its possible risk or reward.

That means the nature of life brings the possibility of failure and regret. The bigger question is how will we respond to and deal with life's risks and the inevitable regrets?

First, we must recognize that, at times, we will be disappointed: in ourselves, in our children, in our spouses, even in God. We will look back at events or conversations and feel the sting of regret. As a mom whose been there, I promise: you will live through it.

The second thing I've learned about regret is: Some of the sweetest comfort comes in those times when the damage has already been done. The hardest thing may be knowing there is nothing you can do to change a situation! That's the time to rest in the grace of God and trust that in His providence He will work all things together for your good. When you turn you regret and disappointment over to God, He can begin to heal your memories and remove the sting from those disappointments.

Death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?
(I Corinthians 15:55)

Even the death of a dream can hurt less when we allow God access to it. When we lose something precious, or are forced to face a reality we would prefer not to, God can give us the strength. He will help us move past failure, regret, and replace the pain with His peace that passes all understanding. If that is where you find yourself today, I pray these words will encourage you.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to move from regret to grace, and from fear to faith! I thank God for each one of you and for your commitment and faithfulness to your families. I pray you have a special time of thanksgiving, free from the sting of regret and overflowing with the awareness of Gods goodness, amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your encouraging words. I am currently living in regret over a past decision where I failed to weigh the risks and rewards. I have to daily give this to the Lord. Some days are better than others, but I appreciate the truth in your message. I will keep this as a reminder.

Thanks again