Jun 28, 2007

Antidote for Weariness--inspiration...

I found this article about John Wesley inspiring...I pray at the end of my life I will have done all I could possibly do for the Kingdom!

Jun 27, 2007

Are you a Mighty Musk Ox Princess?

Will you join the ranks of women, raised in Christian homes all over the world, who are rising up in this critical hour of church history? Will you be one who stands in faith for the generations to come?

Donna Partow is one of my favorite authors...and Christian ministers! She teaches a concept called "Mighty Musk Ox Princesses" which I think has great application for us as homeschoolers. Here's an excerpt from her article...but I encourage you to read the whole article

"I remember one day, when I was weary from the fight, I sat down at my kitchen table and just started weeping. My children came over, put their arms around me, and prayed for God to “help Mommy.” Mommy clearly needed all the help she could get. When they had finished praying, Leah, then just ten years old, looked at me and said: “Mommy, I think I know why all this is happening to you.” “Really, Leah," I replied. "Tell me about it.” And she said, “Mom, I think it’s because you are a First Generation Christian.”

Jun 22, 2007

Ruth Graham Bell's Most Influential Book

Words from a sister in Christ who has gone on to heaven...yet, still we can glean from her life and experiences.

"The Confessions of St. Augustine are currently stirring me at a very deep level. Some years ago I read a copy of Louis Bertrand's biography of Augustine. Perhaps it is good to read that biography before reading the Confessions. Against the background of Augustine's life, the pouring out of his heart to God takes on additional meaning."

(This article originally appeared in the September 2, 1983 issue of Christianity Today. Read more

Jun 21, 2007

Children's Answers about Angels

I only know the names of two angels. Hark and Harold. Gregory, 5

I hear angels all the time in my dreams. And I'm sticking with that no matter how many people tell me I'm crazy. Molly, 8

Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why,but scientists are working on it. Olive, 9

It's not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to heaven, then there's still the flight training to go through. And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes. Matthew, 9

Angels work for God and watch over kids when God has to go do something else. Mitchell, 7

My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for
science. Henry, 8

Angels don't eat but they drink milk from holy cows. Jack, 6

Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The
basic message is where you went wrong before you got dead. Daniel, 9

When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath, somewhere there's a tornado. Regan, 10

Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go north for the winter. Sara, 6

Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter. Jared, 8

All angels are girls because they gotta wear dresses and boys didn't go for it. Antonia, 9

My angel is my grandma who died last year. She got a big head start on helping me while she was still down here on earth. Katelyn, 9

Some of the angels are in charge of helping heal sick animals and
pets. And if they don't make the animals get better, they help the
kid get over it. Vicki, 8

What I don't get about angels is why, when someone is in love, they shoot arrows at them. Sarah, 7

Jun 18, 2007

19 Ways to Motivate children

  1. Let them set their own goals
  2. Help them visualize both positive and negative results of achieving or not achieving their goals
  3. remember the power of praise
  4. Expose them to various activities
  5. Expect them to do right
  6. believe they can do great things
  7. Help them develop a positive self-image
  8. Reward them
  9. Expose them to people you admire
  10. Use the "I Can Do It" Principle
  11. Be persistent (not just consistent)
  12. Be Enthusiastic
  13. Develop strong inner conviction
  14. Wait for children to act on their own
  15. encouragement and admiration from peers
  16. create successful experiences
  17. Accountability and Support
  18. Use contracts
  19. Tender touching and listening

(*Taken from Keys to a Child's Heart, Gary Smalley)

Jun 11, 2007

Perfection or Passion?

"Quite often the absence of immediate success is the mark of a genuine call"
(Bruce Larson, from My Creator, My Friend)

This quote drew me into Zig's chapter on Failure. As I'm watching my sons find their place in the world and in God's Kingdom, it's tough at times to see them struggle. I feel so deeply and take so personally each misstep and immature moment. Yet, this chapter reminded me once again that life is the best teacher for our kids (with the leading of the Holy Spirit of course!). And as much as I would like to shelter them from these lessons and disappointments, I have to remind myself that they will survive...and learn...and grow...and eventually thrive...as they allow God to mold and shape them through the vehicle of failure.

From Zig's book:
Often people with great passion for their calling will fail miserably at it before they achieve peak performance. Why? Because they often start too strong and too fast. More and more through the years I have learned to watch for those people in whom I see potential by who don't seem to be performing up to speed or are even failing. I especially watch for those whose passion leads to massive failure. It's far easier to add experience to a person that passion. People who fail big are likely to suceed big, given time and opportunity. (Parents, take note!)

I agree Zig! I would rather my kids be passionate than perfect...and I'd rather see them take risks than to settle for a life less than what God intended.

Failure can be our friend...

In his great book, Better Than Good, Zig Ziglar has written an encouraging and inspiring chapter called Failure: Life's Refining Process. His insights on the role of failure has really encouraged me—especially this list of the lessons we can learn from our mistakes...

Failure teaches us:
  • to depend on God
  • humility
  • that we can't always get what we want
  • to make a correction in our course of action
  • character
  • perseverance
  • that we can survive!

"Failure is a willing teacher, a master tutor. Anyone willing to sit at the feet of failure and soak up everything there is to learn will graduate quickly to the school of peak performance."

This is good to know, not only for ourselves, but also for our children. Messing up and learning from our mistakes is one of the most human experiences we face—and one we can all relate to! So, give yourself a break today...give someone else a break today...and remember "Failure isn't final."

Jun 7, 2007

Evan Almighty

I am excited about this movie. I like the idea of bringing to light the true stories of the Bible--even if Hollywood puts a creative spin on it. If it gets people talking about God and trying to understand what really happened and why, then I'm all for it!

Thanks CBN for the resources and promotion of this movie. Perhaps it could be a useful teaching tool in our families...

Worth fighting for?

There are times in this journey of faith when we need to take a break from the "battle" to regroup and renew our strength. There are also times when we must press through even though we are weary and battered! The question is, how do we know which is which?

I believe we must trust the Holy Spirit to lead us, yet I think there are some things that are always worth the fight..things that demand us to stay in the fight regardless of our feelings or circumstances. If we know ahead of time which things to fight for, we will be that much closer to winning the battle!

What I will always fight for:

1) My marriage
2) My children's faith, protection, and future
3) My personal peace
4) The peace of my household
5) My extended family's salvation and safety
6) Our physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being
7) God's call and anointing on my life
8) The gift of enjoying our lives here on earth
9) A positive attitude and thought-life
10) The right to be who I am in Christ

I think that sums it up...I challenge you today, to think about what things are important to you. Then next time you must pick your battle, decide if it is on your "important" list or not!

I noticed how many things weren't on my list; like the need to be right, my physical appearance, or "stuff." Yet, those things have led to many battles in my own life, with myself and with others. Hmmm....

Jun 6, 2007

Israel's Miracle

How interesting to see the Hand of God intervening in world events...

The stage was set for war and Israel's enemies prepared for victory. They remained convinced they could "drive the Jews into the sea."

But what was about to transpire would not only stun Israel's enemies, confound military experts but transfix the world. Many believe what happened in the six days following June 4, 1967 was nothing short of a miracle.

Sarah Rigler, author of Six Day War, believes that series of Egyptian mistakes revealed the work of an unseen hand. "You can say, what a lucky coincidence or you can see the Divine Hand," she said. "You can see God arranged all these things to happen the way they did because He wanted the Israeli strike to succeed. He wanted us to win. He wanted us to regain our holy places."

This story reveals a great faith/history lesson. I am too young (don't get to say that so much anymore) to remember the War of 1967, but this story intrigues me. I think it is worthy to be taught or at least shared with our own children. Read on and let me know if you agree...

Israel's Miracle

How interesting to see the Hand of God intervening in world events! Sarah Rigler, author of Six Day War, believes that series of Egyptian mistakes revealed the work of an unseen hand.

"You can say, what a lucky coincidence or you can see the Divine Hand," she said. "You can see God arranged all these things to happen the way they did because He wanted the Israeli strike to succeed. He wanted us to win. He wanted us to regain our holy places."

This story reveals a great faith/history lesson. I am too young (don't get to say that so much anymore) to remember the War of 1967, but this story intrigues me. I think it is worthy to be taught or at least shared with our own children. Read on and let me know if you agree...

Running the Race...

Today I wanted to share some thoughts from one of last year's WW: Running the Race!

"…Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
(Heb 12:1-2 NKJV)

Well, most of us have crossed the finish line of another year. Many of you, I'm sure, are graduating sons and daughters as well. What an accomplishment—for them…and for you!

Maybe you haven't thought if it this way, but every homeschooling family is in a race. Not a race of speed, ability or performance—simply a race of endurance. Yes, performance matters, and there is a pace we strive to follow; but homeschool winners are not determined by these things. Winners are those who reach their finish line and "receive the prize" of God's pleasure and the personal satisfaction of knowing we made it.

Perhaps you didn't make the progress you hoped this year. Sometimes we start off running, and then something slows us down. It could be a health challenge, a move, a discouraging comment from a friend, or we just get tired. It's like Paul says to the Galatians: "You were running the race nobly. Who has interfered in (hindered and stopped you from) your heeding and following the Truth?" (Gal 5:7).

Remember our race is not about speed or ability. It's about the will to finish. God is not standing at the finish with a stopwatch! He isn't monitoring your math progress, your success rate at science experiments, how well your children memorize scripture! He is standing by, waiting for you when you need Him. He knows your own strength will give out and you will cry out in desperation for His strength. When we do call on Him, He promises we will "run and not grow weary" or "walk and not faint."

I am so thankful that God doesn't leave us to run the race in our own strength...because if He did I would have been disqualified a long time ago. I would have gotten off course, and probably quit. Thank God He is right beside us all the way--have a blessed day!!

Jun 5, 2007

New & Improved

Please check out my updated, "new & improved" site.
I'd love to know what you think!!

Jun 4, 2007

The Fight of Faith

"Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again." Micah 7:8 NLT

Have you ever lost a battle you know you could have won had you just applied yourself? I have...many times! This week in fact.

I woke up feeling defeated and a little discouraged. The Lord began talking with me about the fight of faith, and the importance of choosing our battles wisely. We won't win every fight--I know that seems contradictory to Romans 8:37 which says "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Yet, I think God promises us ultimate victory--not easy victories in every one of life's struggles.

I think our experiences prove this out! I haven't lost my faith; but I have learned to pick my battles...and sit out the occasional conflict. Especially if I am feeling weak or isolated. I do not want to enter a battle in this weakened state or all alone. Nor should you...

If you need strength for a battle—or the wisdom to know if you should sit this one out—leave a comment and we'll pray for you!

American Idol--Jordin Sparks

I did not realize that Jordin Sparks had participated in the Gospel Music Association's, Music in the Rockies right here in Colorado.
According to Kevin Jackson from the Christian Post Reporter,

Sparks, 17, has strong ties to the GMA. In 2004, she competed in the GMA Music in the Rockies– a showcase event for aspiring, often unsigned, songwriters and artists in the Christian music industry – and was the Overall Spotlight Winner at the 2004 GMA Academy in Washington, D.C., a feat which she listed on her online “Idol” profile as her “proudest moment in life so far.”

I sensed there were a few Christians in the show, but I did not know all this. It is always exciting to Christians engaged in culture--and doing so with excellence! (I wonder if she was homeschooled?)

Jun 3, 2007

Welcome to My Weekly Word Friends!

I have been working to create a better, more effective Coffee Break page for us. So, here is the unveiling! Thanks for your patience as we iron out the details. We will be launching a redesign of The Homeschool Encourager as well, very soon. Please post your suggestions in the comments area.
Also, I would love to get your friends input as well, so please forward this link and come back often.