Jun 27, 2007

Are you a Mighty Musk Ox Princess?

Will you join the ranks of women, raised in Christian homes all over the world, who are rising up in this critical hour of church history? Will you be one who stands in faith for the generations to come?

Donna Partow is one of my favorite authors...and Christian ministers! She teaches a concept called "Mighty Musk Ox Princesses" which I think has great application for us as homeschoolers. Here's an excerpt from her article...but I encourage you to read the whole article

"I remember one day, when I was weary from the fight, I sat down at my kitchen table and just started weeping. My children came over, put their arms around me, and prayed for God to “help Mommy.” Mommy clearly needed all the help she could get. When they had finished praying, Leah, then just ten years old, looked at me and said: “Mommy, I think I know why all this is happening to you.” “Really, Leah," I replied. "Tell me about it.” And she said, “Mom, I think it’s because you are a First Generation Christian.”

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