Jun 6, 2007

Israel's Miracle

How interesting to see the Hand of God intervening in world events...

The stage was set for war and Israel's enemies prepared for victory. They remained convinced they could "drive the Jews into the sea."

But what was about to transpire would not only stun Israel's enemies, confound military experts but transfix the world. Many believe what happened in the six days following June 4, 1967 was nothing short of a miracle.

Sarah Rigler, author of Six Day War, believes that series of Egyptian mistakes revealed the work of an unseen hand. "You can say, what a lucky coincidence or you can see the Divine Hand," she said. "You can see God arranged all these things to happen the way they did because He wanted the Israeli strike to succeed. He wanted us to win. He wanted us to regain our holy places."

This story reveals a great faith/history lesson. I am too young (don't get to say that so much anymore) to remember the War of 1967, but this story intrigues me. I think it is worthy to be taught or at least shared with our own children. Read on and let me know if you agree...

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