"Quite often the absence of immediate success is the mark of a genuine call"
(Bruce Larson, from My Creator, My Friend)
This quote drew me into Zig's chapter on Failure. As I'm watching my sons find their place in the world and in God's Kingdom, it's tough at times to see them struggle. I feel so deeply and take so personally each misstep and immature moment. Yet, this chapter reminded me once again that life is the best teacher for our kids (with the leading of the Holy Spirit of course!). And as much as I would like to shelter them from these lessons and disappointments, I have to remind myself that they will survive...and learn...and grow...and eventually thrive...as they allow God to mold and shape them through the vehicle of failure.
From Zig's book:
Often people with great passion for their calling will fail miserably at it before they achieve peak performance. Why? Because they often start too strong and too fast. More and more through the years I have learned to watch for those people in whom I see potential by who don't seem to be performing up to speed or are even failing. I especially watch for those whose passion leads to massive failure. It's far easier to add experience to a person that passion. People who fail big are likely to suceed big, given time and opportunity. (Parents, take note!)
I agree Zig! I would rather my kids be passionate than perfect...and I'd rather see them take risks than to settle for a life less than what God intended.