Jun 7, 2007

Worth fighting for?

There are times in this journey of faith when we need to take a break from the "battle" to regroup and renew our strength. There are also times when we must press through even though we are weary and battered! The question is, how do we know which is which?

I believe we must trust the Holy Spirit to lead us, yet I think there are some things that are always worth the fight..things that demand us to stay in the fight regardless of our feelings or circumstances. If we know ahead of time which things to fight for, we will be that much closer to winning the battle!

What I will always fight for:

1) My marriage
2) My children's faith, protection, and future
3) My personal peace
4) The peace of my household
5) My extended family's salvation and safety
6) Our physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being
7) God's call and anointing on my life
8) The gift of enjoying our lives here on earth
9) A positive attitude and thought-life
10) The right to be who I am in Christ

I think that sums it up...I challenge you today, to think about what things are important to you. Then next time you must pick your battle, decide if it is on your "important" list or not!

I noticed how many things weren't on my list; like the need to be right, my physical appearance, or "stuff." Yet, those things have led to many battles in my own life, with myself and with others. Hmmm....


Anonymous said...

What great insights. How often do I do battle over things that have no place on my list and yet there I stand, defending the hill to the end!

Sue said...

I think we all do...sometimes things come up so quickly we don't have time to stop and decide how important they really are!